It isn’t often that I have the option to highlight someone incredible. And the leaps and bounds they achieve.
For all those moments where you feel as though you are dog paddling around in circles and unknown waters. Don’t discount those efforts. As long and as tiring as they may be. They ask you to lean in. And it is in the moment you choose to lean in, when the game changes. Amanda Rowe is the perfect example of what happens when you choose to lean in. Choose to commit to your own vision. Choose to commit to what you know can be possible and stop following the paths and directions gifted to you by others. Choose to recognise that there are other options to explore than the ones right in front of you. The standard previously laid out steps to take. A choice between passive acceptance and deliberate action. Think of this. A fire alarm goes off in a packed stadium. Everyone is crawling, shoving, pushing each other out of the way to get to the same place. Creating so much friction that it inhibits their success. We get caught up in the throws of this chaos. If you take a beat. Step out of the chaos. The opinions, the directions. You could be the person in the action movie that breaks through the ceiling. Saving the young child’s life on your way! Lean in. Be brave. Be bold. Choose to be confident in your goals. Choose to deliberately pursue them. Instead of passively accept what has been. Recognise the possibility that exceeds your current experience. Break through the ceiling. Bravo Amanda on your new deal with CVS Pharmacy! An honorary Nine Carat Gem!
AuthorJamie Meyer Archives
December 2021