It isn’t often that I have the option to highlight someone incredible. And the leaps and bounds they achieve.
For all those moments where you feel as though you are dog paddling around in circles and unknown waters. Don’t discount those efforts. As long and as tiring as they may be. They ask you to lean in. And it is in the moment you choose to lean in, when the game changes. Amanda Rowe is the perfect example of what happens when you choose to lean in. Choose to commit to your own vision. Choose to commit to what you know can be possible and stop following the paths and directions gifted to you by others. Choose to recognise that there are other options to explore than the ones right in front of you. The standard previously laid out steps to take. A choice between passive acceptance and deliberate action. Think of this. A fire alarm goes off in a packed stadium. Everyone is crawling, shoving, pushing each other out of the way to get to the same place. Creating so much friction that it inhibits their success. We get caught up in the throws of this chaos. If you take a beat. Step out of the chaos. The opinions, the directions. You could be the person in the action movie that breaks through the ceiling. Saving the young child’s life on your way! Lean in. Be brave. Be bold. Choose to be confident in your goals. Choose to deliberately pursue them. Instead of passively accept what has been. Recognise the possibility that exceeds your current experience. Break through the ceiling. Bravo Amanda on your new deal with CVS Pharmacy! An honorary Nine Carat Gem!
Do we notice the words we choose to use when speaking?
Are we aware of the extent of our vocabulary? And how often we use the width of it? Do we use words that we are accustomed to using, yet do not really know the definition? Or do we believe we know the definition. Only to find ourselves confusing others or being corrected? The definitions of words has evolved so drastically. Most people have a strong sense of what words mean to them, more than their actual definition. We adopt them naturally without questioning, their application or intent. Or even seeking the neutrally recorded definition. Early in my career within Wholesale, I was quick to learn that the same word could get me into a bit of trouble between States. A Client and I would be talking about two different things. Or would we? Maybe it was exactly the same thing, which went by a different name? Same, Same. But different. I remember saying that about the United States in comparison to Australia. While it is so very much the same. There are so many differences. Your mind cannot help but understand you are not at home. Words included. It was boggling how many variances I encounter with the United States English and Australian English, Canadian English, British English and English as a second language. The one differing factor being, perspective. My first trip to the United States highlighted to me just how much the English Language alters. Depending on the culture, history or application of a word. Try saying "jumper" in the US. No one understood what I was saying. Until I realised it's "sweater", I was never get something warm to pull over my head. If I was looking for "petrol", I was only going to find gas. Probably running out of petrol in its pursuit, laughs. And goodness, don't take out the "rubbish" it wont go anywhere unless it's "trash". Oh and if I pulled into a "car park", I was mistaken. it’s a "parking lot". These alternative words are second nature to me now. But having to remember to say them. Use them. Get my tongue around them in the right situation. Well that took some doing. My definition and understanding of so many words has evolved and expanded throughout my life. It has been an interesting exercise to redefine something that I thought already knew. In doing so, I opened up possibilities. That were already present. Simply unseen. Had I only considered them with a different perspective. I understand that the extent of my vocabulary is only as large, as my correct application of the words within it. I learnt that depending on my choice of words, the very same sentence altered drastically. And could be interpreted by another person in a completely different capacity than I intended it. Recognising the exact weight of each word I choose to use. From this, I became passionate about the idea, to redefine the limited and accepted definition of words. To illuminate their historical, evolved meaning. How they can be better applied. The impact they have in their generalised use throughout Business and Society. Allowing us to decipher for ourselves, with clarity what we would like for them to mean and how we wish to communicate them. Consider the words you use to describe your Business. The language you use in Content and Marketing. The choice of words and sentence structure you invest in throughout your Organisation. From Managers to Teams. From Team Member to Team Member. From Company to Client or Customer. Think about how even the titles you use and their definition. How they further contribute to the Role in question. How the Role is implemented. How a person communicates within the Role. How others perceive the Role. The connotations and expectation connected to those certain titles. Contemplate the resistance or disconnection words and titles create, without intention. Simply by being utilised we have unintentionally designed pieces of our Companies. We haven't considered the implications, as we are following a predetermined Model. Think about the change in a person when they are promoted and a title change is involved. Think about how they redefine themselves within the Organisation. Think about what changes when they step into this Role. In turn, reflect on the new altered perception the Team has of that very same person. Same, same. But different. How intentional is your Business Language? And what discord could you potentially be creating without considering the implications of its definitions? Growth is a rather popular topic of conversation. Particularly in my field.
Avenues to obtain it. The percentages and values. The expectation and timeframes. I am always left wondering whether people know or understand their Growth Velocity Capability? Whether they take the time to determine it before moving forward. Like you would check if you had your Passport before leaving for the Airport. Growth is a fantastic necessity for Success. It is why we are all in Business. To see what next level we can reach. Always striving to be better than we were yesterday. Growth is usually also our greatest challenge. It can be just like that extra Jenga piece you shouldn't have touched. Hang your head in you hands kind of whoops. And can potentially be the demise of a successful Organisation. If we move towards Growth that we cannot fuel or sustain. We recycle our Income or we crash and burn. It is like trying to run a Marathon fuelling your body with only a salad. You have no stamina. Even though you may be strong right out of the gate. Your muscles will start to protest part way through. Growth Velocity Capability is about moving towards Growth in a manageable, fuelled and sustainable way. So that the fractures, that have the potential to become chasms, do not begin to appear. There are 3 facets to consider when determining an Organisation's Growth Velocity Capability; We are always looking for more. The next or newest talent. Seeking outside of our Companies to look for the greatest People to add to our Teams. Those great People are out there. Once we have them though, what do we really do with them? What mould do we squish them into?
What if those great People were already under our nose? What if it was a matter of moving the People we have, out of the moulds we crammed them into? What if we actually let the People we already hired flourish? Consider how much more Value those same People could add to our Companies. It is like not checking the pantry before you got to the Store. You come home and realise that you already had 10 cans of corn in there! Examine how you employed the People within your Company. What process they went through? How you determined what Value they could bring and what Value you could offer in return? What were the parameters that surrounded that Value? Did you ask them about their Talents? Their Skills. What is important to them. What ideas they have? How they could contribute what they do well to enrich themselves and the Company? At what point did your Company's Goals intersect with theirs? How and why they have chosen to come work with you? Would they be a Customer? Did you ask these kind of questions. Or did you employ people simply to fulfil the outline of a role and have no idea how much they could contribute to the Company's success? Discovering the treasures that we have within our Companies, is not only an effective way of elevating our ability to succeed. It is an approach to elevate the way in which our People can succeed. This is the epitome of investing in our own Companies. There are millions of dollars invested in seeking talent from outside of Companies every year. The cost of cultivating existing Talent is much less and the pay off far greater. If you are a into placing bets, where would you rather put your money? On your horse or someone else's? The modern Company does more hiring than those historically. Overlooking internal assets to fill openings. To alleviate pressures that the very structure of our business has instigated to begin with. Employing People to merely fill job descriptions, not be their best selves. They may be more than capable of fulfilling those requirements, is the position really somewhere they could shine? There is always that one puzzle piece that could work in that spot early on and then as the picture comes more into focus. That piece throws the whole thing off. When I was little, I remember having an innate sense of wanting to change the World. Back then I thought that meant becoming the Prime Minister of Australia. But with no growing disposition or passion for Politics, the Prime Minister's position was safe, laughs.
Instead, a childhood, an adolescence and an adulthood later, I Founded Nine Carat Business Consulting. And through the infant stages of this Business, I again reignited that childhood passion, to leave the World a better place than I found it. It has amazed even me, the way in which the intention behind this Company has evolved and taken shape over its lifetime. I always had a notion of what I was working towards, but no tangible, all encompassing concept that belied the endeavours I know are in its future. What is it that I do at Nine Carat Business Consulting... Curious? Watch this Video that undefines what I do as a Business Specialist, because there is yet to be a definition for my way of creating a flawless Business.
![]() In this day and age we have set the precedent to search outside of our Business, to find someone to Invest in us. We thrive on the ideal, that if we just find that Investor, a source of money, expertise or experience, that our Business will somehow be successful. But is this really the way? And at what cost are we willing to relinquish what we have created to find this success? Does the current mentality that one person simply cannot do it all, encourage us to sell out? To not back ourselves, our Teams, our ingenuity to find the resources or the avenues in which to excel without handing over our Business? The New Webster's Dictionary defines [busi*ness] n. ones regular employment, profession, occupation | ones personal affair, concern, duty | something requiring attention | active selling, transactions | a commercial firm or enterprise.
Ultimately, isn't Business far more complicated than this? Don't we have a much higher regard for the required investment into whichever Business we chose to be involved in? We hinge our livelihoods on our Employment or our Company and we uphold a great deal of our Self Worth on our achievements, credentials and successes through Businesses and Careers. We as People are driven to begin, create or build Businesses to express or share our inspiration or ingenuity. Just as it is People, that choose to work within specific Businesses. It is People that form the Teams who are inspired to drive the Business and People who are the Market that interact with the Business that aligns with their needs as a Consumer. There in making Business a far more personal endeavour than just the mere turnover of transactions, numbers and Market definitions. Because in reality the core of Business is always People, it is an Economic and Marketable way in which we the People, can trade our loves, passions, skills, interests or continue generations of family investment and history. |
AuthorJamie Meyer Archives
December 2021