When I was little, I remember having an innate sense of wanting to change the World. Back then I thought that meant becoming the Prime Minister of Australia. But with no growing disposition or passion for Politics, the Prime Minister's position was safe, laughs.
Instead, a childhood, an adolescence and an adulthood later, I Founded Nine Carat Business Consulting. And through the infant stages of this Business, I again reignited that childhood passion, to leave the World a better place than I found it. It has amazed even me, the way in which the intention behind this Company has evolved and taken shape over its lifetime. I always had a notion of what I was working towards, but no tangible, all encompassing concept that belied the endeavours I know are in its future.
What is it that I do at Nine Carat Business Consulting... Curious? Watch this Video that undefines what I do as a Business Specialist, because there is yet to be a definition for my way of creating a flawless Business.
AuthorJamie Meyer Archives
December 2021