Whether its to build Brand awareness, design valuable Collaborations and Partnerships or drive traffic, Nine Carat is an advocate for Quality Marketing and offers a range of Advertising opportunities, across multiple channels to suit your unique needs and objectives.
Sponsored Content
Collaborate with our content creators to craft engaging, informative articles.
Feature Mentions & Credits
Contribute sector perspective or expertise to Articles written by our Founder, Jamie Meyer.
Display Advertising
Promote Products or Services strategically placed across our platform.
Newsletter Placement
A Brand Feature in our parent Enterprise's Email Newsletter.
YouTube Placement
Share sector insights in an Interview on our platform Success Designed.
Event Partnerships
Become an event partner for exclusive Programs, Workshops, and Conferences.
Custom Solutions
Have a unique idea? Do you want one? We're here to bring your vision to life with tailored Advertising solutions.
Brilliance Begins
We are committed to delivering exceptional value to both our Advertisers and our Audience. We're not just Advertising; we're creating brilliance.