While our usual Portfolio generally works with more established Business, our Founder is very partial to helping setup and support the beginnings of Success and so, designed our Simple Services Menu. A bespoke offering crafted to assist Startups, Mirco and Small Businesses in designing their objectives and initial assets. Whether you're considering a deeper partnership with us in the future or seeking immediate support, these calibrated services are designed to make a meaningful impact on a smaller scale.
Product or Service Feedback
45 Minutes
Delve into the future trajectory of your Products and Services with an outside opinion on new ideas, and prototypes, or the discussion of concepts..
Branding Design Feedback
45 Minutes
Objective insight into the impression, audience appeal, and representation of your Logo and Branding designs.
Website Feedback
90 Minutes
Receive actionable feedback of a Website, with a focus on user experience (UX), user interface (UI) and content.
Reports & Documentation Alternative Perspective
90 Minutes to 180 MInutes
Use another set of eyes to review Reports and Documentation.
Talent Discussion
30 Minutes
Discussing the ideals and available alternatives of the next required hire.
Strategic Position Feedback
45 Minutes
Explore potential strategic manoeuvres to enhance current and future positioning.
Research & Data Feedback
45 Minutes
Discuss and acquire an objective perspectives on Research or Data findings.
Carat Q&A
45 Minutes
An opportunity to explore and discuss any questions and how to determine the answers that stimulate the best possible solutions.
Resource Identification
30 Minutes
Identifyt he most valuable resources to accomplish objectives.
These Services are thoughtfully designed to offer immediate value and insight. While not as extensive as a comprehensive engagement with us, our Simple Services provide solutions to set you firmly on the path to designing your Success.